Well yep. Haven't posted a blog for a while...strangely, I didn't know what to say. But now I do, so here you are.
I'm learning guitar. A young adult from the church has mad skill on the drums and is great on the guitar, so I enlisted his help. He's more than willing to teach me because a) it gives him someone to jam with anytime he comes to hang out at the church, and b) I have a fairly nice electric guitar that is on indefinite loan from my brother which, by all standards, should not just sit in a corner and look pretty. It should sit on my knee and look pretty while I jam. But all that to say, my fingertips are getting callused. I always wondered how fingertips get callused from playing guitar, but now I know: you press really hard on the strings, it hurts, you practice until your fingers can't take it anymore (in the case of my soft fingertips, 5 mins), and then your fingers decide that they don't like that and grow calluses to protect themselves. It's kind of marvelous, really, because I've never had calluses on my fingertips before. They're getting kind of knobbly looking, and when I type, it feels like I have very thin bandaids on. Or a layer of dried glue. Oh, the wonders of the human body.
I got a fishing license yesterday. I am ridiculously excited about it. I got an annual license for the ocean, with a salmon tag, for $28!! I'm sorry, the thrifty side of me is stoked just as much as the outdoors side of me, just because I have a daily limit of 4 salmon I can catch...you can't buy 2 salmon, or even one large one, for $28 at the store. Or halibut. I can fish for halibut!!!! And make homemade fish and chips!!!!! Do you know how excited I am about that???!!!! Dude. So stoked.
Along with my fishing license, I also got a guide on fishing regulations and whatnot. In it, there were pictures of halibut and salmon and trout, etc. Do you know, I had no idea what halibut looked like?? I did not know that they were a flatfish, a bottom-feeder. I totally thought they were fish like salmon or trout. And they have these weird mouths, that kind of remind me of the Predator, a vertical slit in the front of their face with what looked like teeth. Creepy, personally. If I didn't know that Halibut were tasty, I wouldn't be all that appetized at the thought of eating them.
Last week was killer. A team of youth and young adults from Surrey Christian Life Assembly (CLA) came up to bless and do ministry. Pastor George was on a much-needed holiday, so I got to step up and organize stuff for them to do. It was really fun, I have to say. Knowing at least three of them helped, but getting to know everyone better really rocked. They got here last wednesday and they left monday morning. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, they worked around the church doing manual labor, stuff that we needed to get done but just didn't have the manpower and time to do, and then in the afternoons we joined with the Korean Love Corps to help with their VBS on the Tsuquate reserve, and their worship service in the evenings, also on the Tsuquate reserve. I have to say, I had a blast, and I was so impressed with them. They dove right into anything I had them do, and they were so good at building genuine relationship with everyone around them. I got to know Love Corps better, and I got to build relationship with the parents, kids, and youth on Tsuquate, and built relationships and mentored people with Surrey CLA. The Love Corps left on saturday morning so it was sad to see them go. But CLA did a marvelous Sidewalk Kids Club Saturday afternoon. It was outside (thus "Sidewalk") and we had like 30 kids there, plus moms and dads with strollers, youth, and general passersby. It was energetic and creative and shared the love of God in a genuine and enthusiastic (and exciting!) way. So sweet. So stoked to get something like that going here.
Saturday evening Andrew took us on a hike, from the road leading to Port McNeil all the way out to Storey's Beach. It was a fabulous hike. We had like 22 people go. I had some great conversations on the way there, and I know that other people did too. At one point we were walking by this little lake, and it was gorgeous. Just a little piece of aquatic heaven in the middle of forest. Once we were at Storey's, we hung out, played games, danced, and watched some of the crazy youth we were with go swimming in the ocean. Although, truth be told, the creek we went swimming in with the Tsuquate kids was way colder. But still. Swimming in the ocean at dusk is all kinds of bold. We had tons of fun. Then a black lab appeared out of nowhere and wanted to fetch sticks out of the water (surprise surprise). It made me miss Sable, my black lab. Mom, you wanna send her up here?? ;) Luckily the owners came and got the dog before we had to leave. :)
On Sunday afternoon we had a tri-Port baptism service and BBQ out at Beaver Lake. It was supposed to be between Port Hardy, Port Alice, and Port McNeil, but Port McNeil was heavily involved with Orcafest, so unfortunately we didn't get to see them. But that's ok. It was fun, and great to connect with believers from other towns, and celebrate people's commitment to Christ through baptism!! We got to hear the stories of how these ladies (there were three) came to be in relationship with Christ. It was so encouraging to see people support and encourage others in their commitment to Christ...the sound of cheers as each lady came up out of the water was wonderful.
So CLA left on monday morning. I was truly sad to see them go...they were an encouragement to my heart and were tons of fun. I loved seeing youth and young adults so excited for God and living it out. That's one thing I have a passion for: seeing people passionate for God and living it out - and that doesn't necessarily mean only being involved with church. Ministry is a life-calling...however God has made you to be, whatever job you have, whether that is a construction worker or an artist or a barista or a stay-at-home parent, you are in ministry. Your relationship with God flows out into your lifestyle and into the relationships you have. The joy of the Lord should go with you where ever you are....the fruit of the Spirit should be seen in whatever you do...the love that God has for us should be reflected in us to other people. It's not easy, but a passionate relationship with God enables us to do that better. The deeper we go with God, the more natural this becomes.
So ok. I'm loving life in Port Hardy. I have yet to see whales, though I am going on a Whale Watching tour soon...the week after next, maybe. (WHEE!!!!!!!) And God is starting to put dreams in my heart, as he's starting to show me the heart and flavour of Port Hardy. He's beginning to give me a deeper love for the people of PH. I love it here.
Oh yeah! I saw phosphorescence on the beach the other night!!!!! It was sooooo COOL!!! every time I stepped or swished my feet or pressed the sand, these almost electric sparkles would shoot out from my feet. It was so amazing. It was gorgeous. I played in the sand for a good half hour just marveling. O man. So cool. And then I and my friend saw a bear and had to climb through someone's back yard to go around it back to the car. Hahaha.
Love love love.
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