Friday, July 24, 2009

And tomorrow...

Tomorrow I go.

I'm all packed up; Dad came by today and packed all of my stuff into the truck. There was so much stuff that Glenn and Dad had to build sides for the truck. (It's not my fault the truck is miniature! Really! I don't have too much stuff at all!) But hey, it's pretty good that most of what I own (minus some significant pieces of furniture, and a whole closet full of stuff) can fit into a Toyota Tacoma, sides or not. I'll probably do some "paring down" once I get there anyways. I do have to give Dad kudos for a great packing job. He's pro. He even managed to pack my ferns, and my cacti...and my basil. (I'm going to make a mini-blog after this one about this basil.)

It doesn't feel like I am moving for good. It feels like I am going on an extended camping trip. I actually did move out of my parents' house - for good! (Hurray!) It's slightly surreal, and very exciting.

And now, tomorrow, we make the 7 hour commute to Port Hardy, where I will, as of tomorrow, call my place of residence. YEAH!!!

I said goodbye to my flyball club on monday. That was sad...sad because I won't be doing the sport anymore (or at least for a couple years, until I get my own dog), and sad because I've come to love and appreciate these people. They're great, funny, fun-loving, and they love dogs and flyball! I've only been part of Matsqui for three years, and have only been racing for a year....but I'm gonna miss them! :'(

Yeah. I'm gonna miss people. But I am excited to meet new people and make new friends. I'm gonna have fun. :)

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